Map of the Region – Hotels, Vineyards & Restaurants

Italian Sparkle region map

I’ve put together a map of the Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Prosecco region. See below. It’s in Google Maps and it is fully open so you can create a copy and save to your device for use when you’re in Italy, adding your own locations along the way. Or you can simply use my version for planning your … Read more

What is the Best Mosquito Repellent?

close up of mosquito

After years of full-time travel, often visiting mosquito ridden countries, I’ve tried almost every mosquito repellent on the market. When I first wrote this post, I was about to travel to Gambia and Senegal and planned to put some repellents to the test. I trialling a DEET based product, Repel 55, and a natural product, Incognito, and this … Read more

The 10 Travel Essentials I Wouldn’t Travel Without

pink padlock on a backpack

As I pack my backpack for the last time this year, wondering why I’ve bought so much fresh coffee to take home, and what on earth I need to throw away in order to fit it into my bag, it occurs to me that after two years of travelling, there is very little in my … Read more