Easy Negroni Sbagliato Cocktail Recipe

Last Updated on August 5, 2024 by Jo

Negroni Sbagliato in a stemmed wine glass

If you think Prosecco cocktails have to be sugary sweet, the Negroni Sbagliato is here to prove otherwise.

What is a Negroni Sbagliato?

A Negroni Sbagliato takes the classic Negroni recipe but replaces the gin with Prosecco. If you’re not familiar with the classic Negroni, it’s a pleasantly bitter-tasting Italian cocktail made with gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari. Both the classic Negroni and the Negroni Sbagliato are typically ordered as part of the Italian aperitivo tradition, which is a drink and small snack before dinner.

A classic Negroni is distinguished by its signature ruby red colour and bold, bittersweet taste. The Sbagliato has the same colour but a light sparkle thanks to the addition of Prosecco.

How was it invented?

If you translate ‘sbagliato’ from Italian to English it means ‘mistaken’, which is exactly how this now popular Prosecco cocktail was created – by mistake. Back in 1972, Mirko Stocchetto from Bar Basso in Milan accidentally added sparkling wine to a Negroni instead of gin, leading to the creation of the Negroni Sbagliato.

Best glass to use

Normally, a classic Negroni is served in the same style of glass as an Old Fashioned cocktail. And you can absolutely use a lowball glass for a Negroni Sbagliato. Personally, as soon as Prosecco is involved, I reach for a stemmed wine glass. The main reason is purely because I think it looks prettier. There is a technical reason when you’re drinking wine – holding a wine glass by the stem stops your body temperature changing the serving temperature and therefore flavour of the wine or Prosecco. But, if we’re talking about a cocktail and where you’re using ice, this isn’t an issue. So, it’s bartender’s choice whether you go for a lowball glass or a stemmed glass.

Image: Canva.

Negroni Sbagliato in a wine glass

Negroni Sbagliato

Yield: 1
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

A pleasantly bitter cocktail that's a twist on the classic Negroni using Prosecco instead of gin.


  • 1 ounce Sweet Vermouth
  • 1 ounce Campari
  • 1 oz Prosecco


    1. Fill a lowball glass with ice.
    2. Fill the glass with ⅓ sweet vermouth and ⅓ Campari.
    3. Add the ⅓ Prosecco last. Pour it slowly so it doesn't foam.
    4. Using a metal spoon or cocktail stirrer, give the drink a gentle stir to combine the ingredients.
    5. Optional: garnish with a slither or orange peel.


Want to level up your cocktail?

  • Use Brut which is a dry Prosecco. This aligns best with the bitter taste of the drink.
  • If you want to enchance the orange flavour, warm the skin of the orange peel with a flame before adding to your cocktail. It releases the oils. It just takes a few second. You want to warm not cook or burn the skin.

Converting ounces to millilitres: 1 ounce is around 30 millilitres.

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